Community Programs
Intensive In-Home Services /
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Families matter!
We would love to support your family’s journey!
One of the ways that BFT supports our families is through both our Intensive In-Home Services and Family Reunification Services programs.
Our goal is to keep families together by providing support to families through this voluntary program. We seek to avoid the need for children to be placed into care in the first place whenever possible. We also work to reunify families after their children have been in care.
Please read more below to learn more on how we can support your family!
Intensive In-Home Services
Intensive In-Home Services (IIS) is a free crisis intervention program serving families in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County. The intervention is designed to keep families together.
Our goal is to help families in crisis avoid foster care or out-of-home placement. This is a voluntary service.
Our specialists are caring, committed, creative, degreed and experienced team members.

What is IIS?
IIS or Intensive In-Home Services is a voluntary, in-home support service providing a minimum of 8 in-person contact hours per week for a period of 6 weeks, supporting children and families. Specialists are flexible and work directly with the family’s availability.
IIS offers many services, including, but not limited to teaching:
parenting and communication
skills building
anger and behavior management techniques
child development education
home maintenance and organization
connections to community resources
…and much more!

Who can use IIS services?
Any family in the City of St. Louis or St. Louis County can get the help of IIS services! And anyone can refer a family!
We provide support to ANY family with children under the age of 18 who are at risk of being placed into care.
Families can include birth, adoptive kinship and foster families.
You must be willing to meet regularly with the IIS Specialist, which is about three times a week for a total of eight (8) in-person contact hours.
You must be motivated to making changes for the better and be able to follow through with suggestions to meet family needs and goals.
Learn more about our IIS program with our IIS / IFRS Sailing to Success presentation.
Interested in our IIS services? Just call us! - 314-401-9573, Monday through Friday (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) – we would love to hear from you!
Contact your IIS / IFRS Specialist
Need to reach out to your IIS/IFRS specialist? See our IIS/IFRS team for their contact information.
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Our Intensive Family Reunification Services (IFRS) assists children and their parents as they reunite from the children’s time in foster or out of home care.
The IFRS program interventions can last up to 90 days, depending upon the family’s progress and the court’s requirements.
The IFRS program requires a minimum of 4 in-person contact hours per week. Specialists are flexible and work directly with the family’s availability.
Learn more about our IFRS program with our IIS / IFRS Sailing to Success presentation.
Interested in our IFRS services? Just call us! - 314-401-9573, Monday through Friday (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) – we would love to hear from you!
Contact your IIS / IFRS Specialist
Need to reach out to your IIS/IFRS specialist? See our ISS/IFRS team for their contact information.

Here are answers to some of our frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Click on the question for more information. Still have questions? Click on the button below and send us an email!
How much does it cost to become a foster parent?It’s free! There is NO cost to you for the foster care training or foster home study.
How do I find a licensing agency?You already have! Bringing Families Together is a licensing agency, and we would love to help you! We will guide you through the process to become a licensed foster parent for BFT.
How do I get started?Just call us! You may call our foster inquiry line at 314-938-5690 or reach out to Resource Family Director Kim Brown at 314-938-5704 or via email at KimB@bringingfamiliestogether.com. You may also attend an Info Session HERE.
Will I receive training?Yes, the MOCARES 10 session training will be provided free of charge.
Will there be home visits?Yes, there will be several home visits to ensure safety in the home and complete the assessment process.
Can I foster as a single parent?Yes! You do not need to be married to become a foster parent!
Do I need to own my own house?No, you do not need to own your own home.
Will I have ongoing support?Yes! Bringing Families Together provides ongoing support through your licensing worker and added trainings to support you as a parent.
Who makes a good foster parent?All individuals and couples who love children and can provide a safe and caring home for children.
For additional information, you may wish to check out the following websites:
As always, just reach out to us, and we will be happy to help you!

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