Family of Seven in Need
Our Goal
To collect donations to support this hard-working family of seven in need - to support their five children!
Help this family
When you have a big family, hard times hit a little harder. This family of seven has been through it. A layoff and constant vehicle repairs have been a struggle for them. Dad just started a new job, and the alternator went out in their van. They are trying keep their heads above water while playing catch up = all while raising five kids. They are an amazing, sweet family who sure could use some extra sunshine!
10-year-old boy:
They have a 10-year-old boy who would love a bike. He is into Fortniite and likes Five Nights at Freddy’s. He also likes vbucks. His shirt and pant sizes are 10-12; his shoe size is 4y. His favorite color is purple.
6-year-old girl:
They also have a 6-year-old girl who loves sports, archery and creative things. She loves unicorns and movies like Coraline and Nightmare Before Christmas. Her shirt and pants sizes are 6/7; her shoe size is 13y. Her favorite color is purple too.
4-year-old boy:
They have a 4-year-old boy who likes spiderman and wolverine. He likes cars, coloring and playdoh. He would love some binoculars. His shirt and pants sizes are 5T; his shoe size is 11. His favorite color is green.
3-year-old girl:
They have a almost 3-year-old girl who loves pretend life stuff, like cell phones and play kitchen items. She likes playdoh and bouncy balls. She would love a shopping cart. Her shirt and pant sizes are 3T; her shoe size 7. Her favorite color is orange.
8-month-old boy:
They have an 8-month-old who is into light-up toys. He loves music and toys that teach. He is in size 12-months.
All of the children love outdoor adventure things too.
Can you help? This family could really use a break!
Donate Here
Please contact JeanAnn Lovins at 314-565-5476 or jeanannl@bringingfamiliestogether.com to donate! Items may be brought to the BFT office, but please call JeanAnn first to arrange drop off at our office; or you may mail them to our office. Office address is Bringing Families Together, 7151 N. Lindbergh Blvd., Hazelwood, MO 63042.